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活心肽 PulsePlus Peptide

活心肽 PulsePlus Peptide

Regular price HK$1,350.00
Regular price Sale price HK$1,350.00
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成分: 丹參、當歸、酸棗仁、白朮、遠志、川芎、元胡、三七、五味子、黨參、何首烏、雞內金、黃精、石斛、山藥、莪朮、川貝母、麥冬、枸杞、北芪


  1. 對於舒緩多種心臟疾病,具有顯著功效
  2. 增強及穩定造血功能,改善心肌造血與藏血問題
  3. 擴張冠狀動脈,增加心肌供血
  4. 益氣強心,保護心臟,養血安神
  5. 能補骨增髓,提升造血功能
  6. 促進脾胃功能

服用方法: 建議加入各種食物或開水中服用

  • 迷你型犬/貓 (3公斤或以下)     每天 1 小匙
  • 小型犬/貓 (4-15公斤)          每天 2 小匙
  • 中型犬 (15-25公斤)            每天 3 小匙
  • 大型犬 (25公斤以上)           每天4-5小匙



PulsePlus Peptide combines 20 herbal ingredients, scientifically refined to comprehensively improve and maintain heart health. It specifically targets various heart diseases such as myocardial infarction, heart failure, myocarditis, valvular heart disease, coronary heart disease, myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia, palpitations, and atrial fibrillation, demonstrating significant efficacy. 

Ingredients: Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge, Chinese Angelica, Spine Date Seed, Atractylodes Rhizome, Thinleaf Milkwort Willd, Szechwan Lovage Rhizome, Yanhusuo, Notoginseng Root, Chinese Magnoliavine, Pilose Asiabell Root, Tuber Fleeceflower Root, Chicken's Gizzard-skin, Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome, Dendrobium, Yam, Curcuma phaeocaulis, Fritillaria cirrhosa, Dwarf Lilyturf, Fructus Lycii, Radix Astragali


  1. Provides remarkable relief for various heart diseases.
  2. Enhances hematopoietic function, improving blood production and storage in the heart muscle.
  3. Dilates coronary arteries, increasing blood supply to the myocardium.
  4. Boosts energy, strengthens and protects the heart, nourishes the blood, and calms the mind.
  5. Aids in bone and marrow supplementation, enhancing hematopoietic function.
  6. Promotes the function of the spleen and stomach.

Directions: To take the recommended number of scoops with various foods or dissolve in water before consumption

Pet Size (Weight)                  Serving Size/Day 

  • Mini Breed Pets (Below 3kg)     1 scoop
  • Small Breed Pets (4-15 kg)         2 scoops
  • Medium Breed Pets (15-25 kg)       3 scoops
  • Large Breed Pets (Over 25 kg)      4-5 scoops

Delivery options: SF Express (cash on delivery) or pickup in Kwun Tong

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