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強肺肽 Pulmonary Support Peptide

強肺肽 Pulmonary Support Peptide

Regular price HK$580.00
Regular price Sale price HK$580.00
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成分: 靈芝、冬蟲夏草、人參、地龍、沙棘、黨參、黃精、麥冬、川貝


  1. 增強肺部組織的彈性和耐力,從而改善呼吸功能
  2. 緩解因肺燥引起的乾咳、喉嚨痛等癥狀
  3. 提高抵抗力,預防呼吸道感染
  4. 止咳化痰,能有效稀釋及排出痰液
  5. 順氣平喘,緩解肺虛,舒緩呼吸不暢

服用方法: 建議加入各種食物或開水中服用

  • 迷你型犬/貓 (3公斤或以下)     每天 1 小匙
  • 小型犬/貓 (4-15公斤)          每天 2 小匙
  • 中型犬 (15-25公斤)            每天 3 小匙
  • 大型犬 (25公斤以上)           每天4-5小匙



Pulmonary Support Peptide is a health product that combines a variety of precious herbal ingredients. By absorbing natural herbal components, it strengthens the lung function of pets and enhances overall health levels, alleviating symptoms of respiratory discomfort due to weather changes, achieving the effect of nourishing qi and moistening the lungs.

Ingredients:  Ganoderma Lucidum, Cordyceps Sinensis, Panax Ginseng, Lumbricus Earthworm, Fructus Hippophae, Pilose Asiabell Root, Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome, Dwarf Lilyturf, Fritillaria Cirrhosa.


  1. Enhances the elasticity and endurance of lung tissue, thereby improving respiratory function.
  2. Alleviates symptoms such as dry cough and sore throat caused by dryness in the lungs.
  3. Boosts immunity, thus preventing respiratory infections.
  4. Relieves cough and resolves phlegm, effectively diluting and expelling mucus.
  5. Regulates qi flow, soothes asthma, alleviates lung deficiency, and eases breathing difficulties.

Directions: To take the recommended number of scoops with various foods or dissolve in water before consumption 

Pet Size (Weight)                  Serving Size/Day 

  • Mini Breed Pets (Below 3kg)       1 scoop
  • Small Breed Pets (4-15kg)           2 scoops
  • Medium Breed Pets (15-25kg)        3 scoops
  • Large Breed Pets (Over 25kg)        4-5 scoops

Delivery options: SF Express (cash on delivery) or pickup in Kwun Tong

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